Maxine Smillie – shamanic practitioner

In her late teens, Maxine finally agreed to undertake a thirteen year apprenticeship with a woman who loved the Earth. This was the only way she figured that she would stop being struck by lightning.

Her teacher taught her of the ‘shamanic’ and animistic roots of  Wales, the hidden history. Her Ancestors taught her the ways of her blood and bones, while Spirit awakened her to the beauty of the loving cosmos. All encouraging her to travel and train with other spiritual teachers and healers once she had grounded herself in her Ancestral ways.

Many years, many adventures…. 

Maxine has completed Sandra Ingerman’s two year teacher training course and her work  can be found listed on Sandra Ingermans site  The website lists global shamanic teachers.

Many teachers, many friends for life. She has also trained in the sacred art of Acupuncture in the UK and China with the permission of the Ancestors.

She is a member of the Society for Shamanic Practice. In her forty five years plus of sacred practice, Maxine has shared teachings and facilitated healing ceremonies extensively in Wales, Scotland, and Europe.

 Maxine has been blessed with the opportunity to study and undertake ceremony in Europe, USA, China and Mexico. This cross-cultural approach to the universal loving cosmos has led her to develop a pragmatic and poetic approach to teaching Sacred practices. Enabling people to explore and deepen into their own sacred path, reclaiming that which has been lost. Re- connecting to the worlds of Grandmother Earth with respect, ethics and integrity. Oneness with Source.

”If you are looking to grow , heal and stand for and with the Earth, come and work with me in safety, with support. What is your path of direct revelation?

Join the evolution of conscious loving change. Your Ancestors, descendants and the Earth, call your name in the dream, to open your heart to a new paradigm shift of love”.

She continues to co create and learn from Spirit.

All proceeds from Maxine’s Shamanic work goes towards the upkeep of a regenerating woodland sanctuary [ with which she works in partnership with] which she has placed in a Trust, so no one ever owns this small piece of the Earth again.

‘Alis volat propriis’.


All information copyright to ©Maxine Smillie 2024