reclaiming the womb – women only ceremony day


We are living through times when worldwide, women are facing continuing centuries old violence and anger towards them.

As I write, many are overcome with despair at the climate breakdown, scenes from Ukraine, Afghanistan, polluted rivers, pandemic repercussions, to name just a few issues. Grief and overwhelm paralyses our potential collaborative action.

But where to begin the healing?

Shamanic Life is offering a day of gentle practices to soothe the body/soul and come once more into a deeper connection to the wisdom of the womb.

These practices can be continued by you afterwards. Its not a plaster, but a starting point to begin to move through the energy of these uncertain times. There is a possibility of further work online for those who feel called.

Included in the Ceremonial day:

  • Transmuting Anger and Grief
  • Care of the wombs subtle energy
  • Moon / Earth Heart womb Axis
  • Closing with a healing ceremony for the divine feminine – Healing with Spiritual Light

Saturday 1 March 2025: 10 am start until 5pm, Redbrook, Wye Valley. £95 Non residential. Teas/ drinks provided. Fully booked now, for new date please contact me.


  ‘Reclaiming the Womb 2 March 2024’ (£95.00)  

Once we have received payment we will send you full joining details and directions to the venue. Please be aware of our cancellation policy.

Any profit to be split between the Refugee Council / Save the Wye / Coed Cariad woodlands.

All information copyright to ©Maxine Smillie 2024