shamanic dreaming

Old dream transition to new dream: Building an invisible world of substance internally will effect outer changes. The times we live in are demanding we let go of our old stories, fears and dreams which no longer serve us. For us to wake to new dreaming potentials we must dismember old structures to form new enlightened ways of living.

Advanced workshop. You need to have some experience in Shamanic practice. Autumn 2024 next one, please email to register your interest and learn more..

To register for upcoming dates please contact us.: Two day course South Wales, £220.00

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dreaming yourself awake – gateway to the soul

shamanic dreaming

“Shamanism – the everyday empowerment of living a shamanic life. Take teaching, make it your own and live it.”

Sandra Ingerman, Walking in Light

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All information copyright to ©Maxine Smillie 2024