“It will give you opportunity to explore and become more confident in the Shamanic path of direct revelation. The focus of this course is to connect to the self and let the energy of love inform and support you twenty-four hours a day. Gaining skills in shamanic healing practices to take out into the world as a Shamanic Practitioner. Being confident and present, transmuting our challenges with compassion, gentleness and sacred humour!”
We live in times of great change and transformation. A time for personal healing of old wounds, traumas which keep us in a fixed pattern of habitual response, a time for re-connecting to our true self and Spirit which is all encompassing, all loving. Our earth needs us to wake up, step forward and re-envision the collective dream.
Are you ready to step –up?
Do you want to connect through the heart to the whole of life?
Are you ready to ‘roll up your sleeves’ and get on with it?
If you answer Yes, then I am inviting you to come on a three year journey with me. By the end of the course you will be a confident Shamanic Practitioner able to undertake healing ceremonies for people, animals and our land. All with the understanding that: ” It’s love that heals not techniques” (Sandra Ingerman)
The course will explore a variety of Shamanic Healing practices and methodologies including:
- Soul Retrieval
- Extraction Medicine
- Psycho-pomp
- Land Healing
- Death & Dying
- Working with your Ancestors & Descendants
- Mask Work – ‘Theatre of Love’
- Tools of the Shaman
- Self-Care
- Ethics
- Working with Clients
to name but a few topics…
It will give you opportunity to explore and become more confident in the Shamanic path of direct revelation. The focus of this course is to connect to the self and let the energy of love inform and support you twenty-four hours a day. Confidence in working with your Helping Spirits.
Why 3 years? This course is not about giving you lots of techniques and a file of info that you can put on your shelf, ticking the box marked ‘shamanism’. It’s about LOVE ! Living a new consciousness, standing for the Earth and all her worlds. You are needed.
Gaining skills in Shamanic Healing practices to take out into the world. Being confident and present, transmuting our challenges with compassion, gentleness and sacred humour!
Year 1: What is healing?
What is my healing path?
Year 2: Deepening and expanding.
The ‘no excuses’ year.
Year 3: Walking out in the World. Beauty, co creation, evolution…
Post course: Practice mentoring and supervision.
13 days per year with work to do between ceremonial weekends. Non residential. Each year includes an overnight ceremony on the land.
Teaching methodology will be via: Journey work (Individual and in Circle). Peer group and Individual Supervision Sessions online and in person. Zoom calls between in person weekends.
Experiential exploration. Presentations, Observations, and Ceremony. It is a prerequisite for this course that you have attended two of Maxine’s workshops [longer courses eg Practical Shamanism.] There is an application process for this advanced training.
If Spirit hasn’t called you to the work, please don’t apply to be on the course.
Venues – Monmouthshire, Wales and Zoom calls: For expressions of interest. please contact Maxine.
27/28 September 2025 will be the next course start. If your intention is clear and you meet the criteria to apply, please let us know if you wish to apply for 2024. I will send you application details. Please note, you will have needed to have worked with me before applying to this ceremonial deep dive training.
Year 1 23 September 2025, Year 2 September 2026, Year 3 September 2027.
Cost: £1300 per year (Non-residential) Total cost: £3900
Payment in full at beginning: £3000
Please be aware of our cancellation policy.
All information copyright to ©Maxine Smillie 2024